quick note. . a real quick one to say THANk YOU!!!!
Thank you for your support when my mom was ill and then when she died.
Thank you for sending me great customs to film and shoot and trusting me
with them. Thank you for being patient with me when I get behind and
realizing that I am a one woman operation! Thank you for your sweet e-mails
praising me and loving on me. . in my darkest hours they have been a light
and an inspiration to keep going! Thank you for the gifts, cards, pictures
and other material things that you have sent to me to cheer me on, comfort
me and show me that you care. Thank you for your prayers and positive
thoughts! Thank you for enjoying my videos and pictures. . and thank you so
much for being my fan, friend, confidant! I am so very blessed!
I don't know that I am always worth all your praise. .. my life has been
quite chaotic for a number of months now, and things are just starting to
settle back down again. .I am training again and have plans to open two new
websites. . not to mention I get to do PROFESSIONAL PILLOW FIGHTING!!!!!
I have never thought of quitting but I get disappointed in myself when I
don't feel I am giving you, my fans, the best I have. . . I tend to be
pretty hard on myself. . but luckily, you have never given up on me either.
. . .
so, to you, my fans, my SSTARR Army. . . THANK YOU!!!!!!
Kisses and scissors,
Sybil Starr
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